James Smith 12 week transformation (more photo's at bottom)
James Smith came to R5 just over 12 weeks ago having undergone a huge weight loss journey. As we sat down in the consultation, I was in awe of what James had already achieved.
Countless stones lost, developed a healthy relationship with eating, fallen in love with training. I was sitting in front of a new man, with a new lease on life. James is what I call category A potential client, determined, self motivated; now just needs to be pointed in the right direction.
With the bulk of the weight shifted, the goal posts had moved. James now wanted to shape up certain area's. He expressed there was some stretching of the skin (very common in rapid weightless) and he wanted to work on tightening up the chest, lat's and ab regions.
Aside from tight glutes, hamstrings and traps. There were no real issues with the way James moved, which meant we could hit the ground running. We entered onto a bodybuilding program. In sessions we were pushing the strength though compound moments in hypertrophy rep ranges (10,12,20).
Away form sessions, each session on Jame's program began very similar with a couple of heavy compounds. Followed by a different hypertoprhy technique each week, super-sets, drop-sets, giants sets and pyramid sets were weapons of choice.
As with all my bodybuilding programs, this ran on a 4 week cycle. Which meant in James's first 12 weeks, he complete 3 rotations of this program. Each time either upping weight, reps, or simply having a better connection with his muscles.
If we could build dense muscle which minimising fat gain, it could would both fill out and tighten up the skin. This training program ran alongside a nutritional plan which saw protein increased and carbs kept under wraps until the evening meal.
James followed orders exceptionally (with the occasional hiccup) and it really shows in his results. This is a man on a mission for change and I'm excited for what the next 12 weeks has to offer, as we tweek things further and pack on even more muscle.
Fantastic job James! I hope we don't have too many mince pie's to burn off after the xmas break ;)
All the best,